Welcome to Eat. Tone. Love.

Hello, lovely readers, and welcome to my brand spankin’ new blog, Eat. Tone. Love. After having been told by several friends that I should start a health, nutrition, and fitness blog, I have decided to make my first venture into the blogosphere. Honestly, it’s a little nerve-racking, but I’ll start with what I know, and what I know is what I love: food, fitness, and healthful living. Eat. Tone. Love. Not only is this a mantra to live by, but these three words are likely the most accurate description of who I am and how I live my life.

A little bit about me: my name is Nika, and I am a 22 year old foodie and a health nut. I have several food sensitivities, so I am dairy-free, egg-free, gluten-free, and meat-free (but more on this later). I am also an athlete, a fashionista, and a nerdy scientist. I graduated last May with bachelor’s degrees in Biology and French Language and Literature as a pre-med student. I’m currently working in a nutritional sciences research lab while taking classes before heading to grad school. I’m hoping my life and career involve nutrition, health, and fitness… but how is the question, as always. This blog will cover the three “tenants” of my manta.

  • Eat: what I eat, how to eat, when to eat, foods to avoid, foods to enjoy, how to cook, how to grocery shop, recipes, etc.
  • Tone: how I exercise, my routines, my favorite exercises, my strategies, new techniques, old techniques, what works and what doesn’t.
  • Love: this one is definitely more open ended. Our relationships with people, our relationships with food, our outlook on life, learning to be happy with ourselves, learning to love our bodies, and the other things I love (cough cough, skincare and fashion).

I love food- from the moment I buy it in the grocery store until the moment I prepare it and eat it. I hope that through this journey together, I can bring you to a more healthful relationship with food, and I don’t just mean eating healthy food. What you eat is only part of the equation, but how you eat and the relationship you have with food is crucial in making the transition from simply “being on a diet” to living a healthy, happy lifestyle that extends beyond 5 pounds, 5 weeks, 5 months, or even 5 years. This is a lifetime, a lifestyle, a mindset. Unlike “Diet,” that steamy guy with a six pack and a mouth full of empty promises that you had that short fling with, a lifestyle is a loving, committed relationship. A serious, committed relationship with food, doesn’t that sound nice? No more sneaking around on Diet, cheating on him with McDonald, Wendy, Jimmy John, Papa John, or any of your other late night booty calls. No more rollercoaster rides with Diet either. One day things may be great- you’ve lost 3 pounds, and Diet flashes that pretty smile and promises you the world… And then you find yourself alone, clutching some prepackaged meal bar that might as well be pulverized packing peanuts trying to remember the last time you ate a carb or something that wasn’t labeled with some catchy tag line promising less fat, less calories, less guilt. I get it, I totally do. I dated Diet from middle school- we went years avoiding carbs like the plague, we counted calories until we were so neurotic it bordered on disordered, and we developed an unhealthy and emotional relationship with food that lingered like a bad break up. But let me let you in on a little secret- Diet is a douche bag. He’s lying to you, misleading you, telling those same empty promises to countless other girls who just want to look hot in their bikini on spring break, dammit. So break up with him. Forget about Diet, and I’ll hook you up with my friend Food. He’s way more satisfying, way less stressful, much tastier, and his six pack is actually real, not a spray tanned illusion. Oh, and your body will be bangin’ in that bikini the next time you see Diet, and you can throw that nasty meal bar right in his face.