Take a Peek Inside My Grocery Cart


In my previous post, I gave you 10 tips for eating healthy on a budget, so I thought today I would give you a peek into my grocery cart. This particular grocery trip was to a Kroger Marketplace, but my other trust grocery stores are the Good Foods Co-Op and Whole Foods. Each place has different products and different specialities, but Kroger is a good place to get most of your basics, and it’s less expensive than the other two options.

I will admit, the way I eat is not always “cheap,” but when you’re talking about food, you’re going to pay one way or another. Everyone always bemoans the costs of eating healthy. I get it, and I totally hate that a bag of processed fatty, sugary carbs is cheaper than a bowl of fresh fruit. However, unhealthy eating is costly too. Going for cheap, processed, fast options is expensive not only for your wallet, but also for your health. As I’ve said, I’m not selling you a diet plan or a fad diet, this is a lifestyle. So that means that while I may spend quite a bit on groceries, I don’t spend money on food anywhere outside of the grocery store. I never buy lunch- I always, always bring lunch to work with me every single day. This is a lifelong habit- from elementary school to high school and even college, I have always brought my own food to campus. Not only does this tactic save you money in long run, it also saves you exposure to unnecessary calories, hidden ingredients, and unknown additives and preservatives. I also very rarely eat out. With my dietary restrictions, eating out is already limited and difficult. However, cooking at home also dramatically reduces my food expenses. Plus, there’s a certain pride and enjoyment in preparing your own food. I always enjoy cooking for someone, whipping up a fruity smoothie, or crafting a special dinner for friends and family.

It is my belief that anyone can make healthier choices for their food, at any budget. You can eat the way I eat, but it’s a matter of making yourself and your health a priority in your life. What is your health worth? A flat stomach? Lean arms? Toned legs?

So what’s in Nika’s grocery cart? Continue reading